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Get Involved with GRPA


Volunteer Opportunities

GRPA Members can volunteer by serving on elected boards within their District or Networks, and through the various working committees by either representing said District or Network.

Roles & Responsibilities

Why Should YOU Volunteer?

Volunteering has multiple benefits from professional growth to personal growth. Highlighted below are a few of the benefits that you may experience along the way.

• Become affiliated with GRPA, its mission, staff, programs, and events.
• Being impactful on a grander scale beyond your local community.
• Meet some outstanding people.
• Gain relationships with colleagues in similar interest areas.
• Earn recommendations for future employment.
• Build your resume and further your professional development.
• Experience a sense of achievement and personal fulfillment that volunteering can bring.
• And last but not least, you get to have fun!


Goals of GRPA Volunteerism

• Develop a reliable and varied network of human resources to support the delivery of
services to the members of the organization.
• Bring together volunteer resources and complement the organization’s services including but not limited to quality-of-life promotion, environmental stewardship, health and wellness promotion, economic vitality, and athletic competitions.
• Provide volunteers with good training, communication, and resources so they will be prepared, welcomed, and connected to GRPA.
• Provide opportunities for volunteers to connect with the community and enhance their quality of life.

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