GRPA State Athletic Committee
The GRPA State Athletic Committee is charged with the responsibility of the organization, conduct, supervision, and evaluation of an athletic program for Georgia residents on a statewide basis for its members and affiliated groups. Authority for the committee is found in the CONSTITUTION AND BY- LAWS of the GEORGIA RECREATION AND PARK ASSOCIATION, INCORPORATED.
The State Athletic Committee, mindful of its function and the authority vested in it by the members of the Georgia Recreation & Park Association, has set forth rules and regulations of which the objects and purposes are as follows:
1. To unite one organization in all competitive athletics conducted by agency members of GRPA;
2. To promote and maintain high standards of athletic competition and sportsmanship in Georgia;
3. To promote and provide the best training and guidance for athletic coaches and game officials;
4. To promote recognition of recreation sports for Georgia residents;
5. To improve and expand athletic participation;
6. To provide athletic and professional fellowship;
7. To assist in any practical way, the improvement of athletic competition throughout Georgia and to promote and regulate state championships where desirable and practical; and
8. To function in such a manner as will further the interests of athletic competition in Georgia and to promote the Georgia Recreation and Parks Association, Inc.